Saturday, December 12, 2009


After waiting for so long, finally there's someone who has the guts to talk to me. You don't have to know who, but I like this person so much that he has the guts to do so. He texted me and this is what he said.

A- that person
B- me

A: U nak tau something. Actually i rasa u ni teruk
B: Okay, and why is that so eh? I bunuh bapak u ka?
A: Tak, well i guess belum sampai tahap tu. It's just that i rasa u suka ingat yang u ni hebat, kira u the best la. Padahal u're nothing je pun
B: Jap, what did i do to u eh?
A: U did nothing but i rasa annoyed with u. U're extremely annoying u know
B: Eh?
A: Yes! U suka buat yang u know everything padahal u cetek pemikiran. U suka buat yang u ni cool habis, u suka takmau admit apa yang u rasa, u suka ingat yang u ni expert in life habis
B: Lagi?
A: The truth is, your friends tak berapa nak comfortable dengan perangai u. Tapi sebab u single which i don't see what's the connection, so kawan-kawan u takmau nak bagitau u sebab diaorang takut that it might hurt u
B: Tell u what, i sikit pun tak marah. I know i annoying gila, i know! I know that i ni teruk. I tunggu a person yang berani nak tell me all these but sorang pun tak berani. Why semua nak kena ingat sebab i don't have a person yang boleh back up i kira i ni weak. Maybe i am. Okay, i admit, i jealous dengan my friends sometime. I teringin nak rasa apa yang they feel but at the same time, i know i kena change. I've tried (insert name)!
A: Why u kena buat macam tu? Why u kena tunjuk dekat guys yang u ni kononnya tak senang nek kena tipu? U dah lain gila Shazana. Lain sangat
B: If only u boleh rasa apa yang i rasa now
A: Stop saying that. Semua orang rasa macam tu. Jangan la ingat u sorang je yang unfortunate. U ni selfish. Bodoh sombong
B: Thanks (insert name).

Well at least now I know. Thanks, thank you so much. Surprisingly, I don't feel so down. I feel normal. You know what's best for you.