Thursday, December 10, 2009

Broke, bored, broke, broke, bored.

Home sweet home. Ah, not sweet anymore since I've done all my works.

-Clean the room [√]
-Do the laundry [√]
-Clean up the closet [√]
-Read the newspaper [√]
-Wake Fadd up [√]
-Call Fadd [√]
-Finish 'The Lesson of Her Death' [√]
-Search for recipes to cook tomorrow [√]

Everything done and I'm bored. I need to find a job. I need to fill up my time, I need to learn to earn my own money, I need to socialise more, I need money, I need money and I need money. I just got back from school and Farah just went back home. I'm alone and I'm bored. Called Fadd but he is up to something -.-" I wanna go out but I'm broke, I've no money. Not as much as I had yesterday. The money that is left now is for me to spend next week. I've no idea how am I going to survive with only that much of money. Berjimat cermat amalan mulia Shazana. Give yourself a try. Financial problem always got me a major headache.

I wanna go to KL for the KLWMBC but to think again, it's in KL. So, it's better for you not to go Shazana. Not now! Shittt, I'm bored and I'm broke. Well, not really broke but I have to save up for the BIG day. I ate three donuts at a time. Bloated. I miss my kakak, hope she will come back next week. I've promised to myself to be a good girl from now on. I won't use any harsh words on guys (exceptional for some guys), I'll try to be as polite as posible towards some girls, especially my girls, I'll try to show people that I HAVE FEELINGS TOO, I want to show to some (insert word) that there are a lot of difference between US, I want to say ' I love you' to my parents more often and and I want to treat my boyfriend (if I have one in time to come) nicely (: Okay, that sounds bitchy but above all this, I want people to know that I do appreciate them no matter how bad they hurt me. See, that's my problem. I forgive people easily. Too easy in fact that they tend to repeat the same mistakes that will make me feel sad. HA-HA I sound so lame.