Monday, June 1, 2009

yesterday was my big day and i screwed it up. thank you so much shazana! well, i knew it from the very beginning that this holidays will not turn up well. to be exact, it's my fault jugak la cause i screw things up. i completely have no idea what am i up to actually but lately i see things differently and it is very different and somewhat of weird. and so, just like how i always do, IGNORE IT. it usually helps but this time, it doesn't and that is when i realised i am not functioning well this time. things are going so wrong and i have no idea how to handle myself this time. luckily, in the dark, there's still some poeple who care and love. family and the super duper best friend, keyla. they just know how to make me feel better and make me realise that there is still hope. thank you so much, my life saviours(:

it took me some times to clear up my mind from misery and finally after a good sleep, i woke up feeling light and i can smile. i was so excited that i can smile this morning. the bruises had gone and the heart was smiling and still is smiling now. and now i know that everything happens for a reason and we shouldn't take any troubles as burden but always lessons to learn. and people always have to deal with craps. the difference is only the way we handle it. and Alhamdulillah, i have learned so much in life. the people i meet everyday, they are different and unique but the differences and uniqueness make them beautiful and pretty. the troubles and happy moments that i face every milisecond. and i have learned that there are still some things that make a person bad. they carve for attention and so, they make up stories and sometimes without realising it, their stories have made two good friends become enemies but then again, i have come to realise that only those with good hearts will stay even after knowing how hideous that someone is.

today was not a bad day. well, not as bad as yesterday. i went to school and we did discuss about the graduation night. but i wasn't really paying attention. i am all in the mood of holidays eventhough i know this will not be the best holidays. i did not talk much (as if i did in the previous meeting lah kan) and the meeting lasted for two hours. jaselyn said we are doing the painting stuff this wednesday which i doubt i will turn up and mim is coming this wednesday so i guess that will be the reason.

conclusion, Alhamdulillah hari ni semua tak seburuk semalam. kawan kawan datang dan pergi and yang pergi akan ambil masa untuk buat keputusan. fikiran seorang remaja mudah diracuni terutama seorang remaja perempuan. bila hati dah penuh dengan rasa benci dan marah, otak pun dah tak boleh nak fikir waras. si jahat yang bercerita tentang si baik pun akan terbalik dan nampaknya si jahat dah dilihat sebagai si baik. pengkhianat ada di mana-mana