Two Bearusta Bears and a Starbucks mug with some good words written on it. I feel appreciated. And yeah, that's one of it. Learn to appreciate not just when we have lost that something or someone, we should just appreciate when we still having them. Show it. And of course, the rest are all the making drinks skill. I spilled hot boiling water on my own hand, I spilled hot boiling milk on my body, I cut my finger a few times, I dropped food on the ground, I made wrong drinks a few times too, I cursed people a lot, I learned how to mop the floor now that I'm very good at it (haha), I washed the dishes every day, minus all the mandi whipped cream experience and a lot more. Cheers!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
My 1 month 22 days experience working at Starbucks
Yesterday was the last day of February and my last day working at Starbucks. Yeah, I've stopped. Not that I was fired or what, it's my wish to stop working. For the past 1 month and 22 days, I think I've learned a lot from the people there. My first few days of working were not so good. I felt reluctant to go to work for I don't know what reason. Maybe, I hate being the only 'kid' there. I had no one to talk to. I mean, I didn't have anyone to hold a not-related-to-work conversation. I wanted to quit but I tried to work for a few days more because I know trying to adapt to new environment isn't easy. So, I tried and I managed to get myself adapt to the whole new environment there. After that, I didn't feel reluctant to go to work but after a few days, a new thing came and it's called laziness. But, I have found ways to overcome it. Well done, Shazana. So, been working like I've got no life at all. I didn't have time for movies and that's very sad. But thank God, I can still managed to spend time with family and friends. Haha, cakap as if la aku ni kerja bagus sangat. Working with the people there is fun. Especially the closing partners. Tipu lah if tak pernah sakit hati kerja sana. But, I did somehow enjoy myself. I had times where I laughed my ass off. Even I'm just a casual labour but they treated me just as same as all other partners. And of course, there were times when I feel so pissed and fed up working there. But I know it's all part of working. I can't just want things to be like how I want it to be, I can't expect things to be the same all time. I'm growing up so I have to understand that things are not the same. And and, after working as just a casual labour they did give me something as the token of appreciation.