Last night was another boring night. I got back from work and found out there were no one at home. Except, mak tok. I got myself cleaned, had dinner, watched TV and that's it. I'm not much of a TV person, so yeah couldn't stand watching TV for too long yaw! Weird much? Went up to my room, checked phone (as usual) there were 4 missed calls and 8 messages from the same person. And that got me mood swing. I was super annoyed and pissed off. Then, I called Fadd. It's been a while since the last time we talked on the phone.
Me: Haaaaa.............. (couldn't finished my haaaaaluuuuuu)
Fadd: Naaaaaaaaa! (screaming)
Me: What's your problem lah dey? Menjerit tak tentu hala.
Fadd: (laugh)
Me: How are you? I'm bored lah
Fadd: You think?
Both: Shiiiiiiiittttttttttt! (Be Without You was on air)
Fadd: Naa, I miss her (Maria).
Me: I miss him (the late Danial).
Fadd: Hey, are you okay?
Me: You know what, I think I'm getting weaker by days. I always feel I need someone to talk to, but there's no one. No one can replace him.
Fadd: Apa ni Naa? You have made it through over the past 2 years. And yeah, no one can replace him.
Me: Fadd, I rasa even if I dah married pun kan, there's still a piece of my heart with him in it.
Fadd: Not to sound gay, but I pun rasa macam tu. He was a good friend.
Me: Fadd, think I'm not in the mood sangat lah now. Nanti I call lain.
Danial, I'm sorry but I can't help myself. I miss you. I really really want to talk to you. There's a lot that I want to tell you. You've been such a wonderful friend to me. No, not just to me. But to all of our friends.
I went off to bed early last night with the hope that I could meet you in my dream :(