Big year for me. SPM, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. A rough year. Let's go by months, but I can't really remember what has happened though. Not exactly.
Started school. I was so excited on my first day. Everyone was like "wey ni last punya first day!" Ha-ha. It sucks when your parents forget your birthday. Abah and Mama forgotten mine this year :(
Valentine's Day, I feel disgusted to think of it back.
Nana Mia, Roti Bakar Kopitiam (some maybe know what I'm trying to say here) Mid-term exam. I failed my Chemistry HA-HA.
I can't remember anything that happened in this month -.-"
KL, prom dress. Mid-year exam. I did quite well :D
Enchantment Under the Sea, I ruined it! Had a good night dancing with Sya :)
Someone's birthday, free calls, Facebook :)
Debaran SPM semakin memuncak, study groups, stayed up, puasa and this is when I started to be close to that someone. Kut?
Raya, trials. Okay, I didn't do well for my trial :( Semakin rapat :D
7th day of the month until the 25th day of the month <3 *playing You Sang to Me
SPM, struggle, pain, pressure. Al-Fatihah: Tok Ngah. Last day of SPM :D
I regret that I wasted a lot of time and I'm missing some people. Hate to say this, but I'm lonely. Sya and Munzir, yeah happy to see they're happy together :D
The year 2009 has taught me a lot of things. As you grow older, you'll get more grumpy-er. A lot of hardwork needed to make it to the peak of the tower called success. People don't really understand what they're saying. Don't be surprise if your best friend told you that he/she will always be there for you but when you need them they aren't there. People tend forget littlest things like that. Don't get mad when a person tells you that he/she loves you but the next thing you know is they're leaving, for good. They do love you, they just don't want to keep on lying to you. They just want the best for you. When someone tries to love you, appreciate that. He tried, at least. It's okay to cry when you feel like to. Don't just keep those tears, it hurts. It's okay to be emo sometimes, you're being yourself. Don't ignore your friends even if they did ignore you a few times. Don't hide your feelings, it kills you from the inside. There's no point telling the whole world that you're broke cause no one can help you with that. If a friend calls you in the middle of the night crying, don't hung up. Try your very best to keep them calm. Don't ever use your mom's face wash! HA-HA When your parents aren't talking to each other, don't try to do anything. Just act normal, don't show them your worries. Don't text you friends when you're driving. When a guy tells you that he can be a jerk, trust him. When your boyfriend calls you very early in the morning, answer and talk to him. Nothing feels as good as talking to your boyfriend in the morning. When your boyfriend doesn't tell you that he loves you that often, don't think that he does not love you, he does. If your boyfriend is sick, don't try to act as if you're his mom. Do not annoy your ex-boyfriends. Don't make assumptions. Don't act cool or nice in front a hot guy in the presence of your friends. When your friends think that you're immature, don't freak out. You know yourself better than others. Don't let people make decisions for you. It's your life. Some things are better left unsaid :)