Wednesday, December 9, 2009
SPM is over and I'm very glad for that. Now you can see kids hanging out at the malls. Dah habis seksa exam lah katakan. As for me, I'd prefer to stay and enjoy the serenity at home. So I didn't go out with my friends. Cuti lama so tak payah nak kecoh and pulun nak keluar lah Shazana. Friends did ask me out but sorry I just don't feel like going out YET. I'll ask you out if I feel like to. Sombong lah Shazana ni. Whatever, seriously whatever (!) I've been going through a lot for the past few months. All the bullshits started exactly on February 2nd and everything just ended on December 8th. And that was approximately 11 months and that is almost a year. WOW! Now I'm proud of myself. I've been going through all that alone for almost a year, surprising much. Never thought I could be this strong. And now I think I deserve plenty of time to let myself feel free because YOU have no idea how gruelling the journey of shit was. And for that I think YOU should quit saying this and that, quit making assumptions (!) YOU didn't even realise how people are saying that I've changed, or shall I say that YOU don't care about it. I'm sure YOU don't, YOU are always busy with your so-called important agendas. No matter how busy YOU are and no matter what people said about me being a totally different person, I just want YOU to know that YOU are still one of THEM.