woot, i made it through the first day of puasa. wooh, i'm proud of myself and surely my parents are too. i did nothing much on the first day. woke up for sahur, went online, did a little bit of studying at went back to sleep at 8 and woke up at 10. haha. and of course, as usual mom nags at me for waking up late?! serious, no shit. mama said anak dara like me, should wake up earlier. well ma, this is the modern days of anak dara (:
no shit, i was studying the whole day long yesterday. fuuh, my brain was overflowed with sejarah, bio, add maths, chemistry and physics. well done, shazana! and tup tup tup, it's time for berbuka. that was fast! go study folks, it helps you a lot during this fasting month.
i had ayam percik for berbuka, biasalah first day kan. after berbuka i went for solat terawikh. the mosque was so packed man. i managed to the the 8 rakaat terawikh because i wanted to continue studying at home. trials coming up!
it was raining yesterday, the whole day and it is still raining now. sejuk lah nak mati. needing jumper and a big warm hug (:
off-tuition: 0830 til 1500 -.-