good morning world (: i woke up early this morning. it's raining and yeah i know when it rains, tidur best but my sore throat is killing me. it's getting worse! i guess it's because i drank cold beverage last night. serves you right shazana!
i watched transformers yesterday, i know it's kinda late but i don't care, i watched it! lol. it was awesome! i love it! it was 4 something when i received a text message from a friend asking to watch the movie. i wanted to go with nabilah but she couldn't make it. i asked keyla, she had tuition. so i just went with this one particular friend of mine. we watched a 6 pm movie. i reached there around 5 because my friend wanted to eat but he ended up with a 1901 hot dog to eat in the cinema. before we entered the cinema, this friend of mine wanted to go pee ;p so i waited for "it" outside. and then i saw this one guy with his little brother. he looked familiar. oh, hafiz! haha. i was a little bit of surprised because i didn't expect to meet him there. nice meeting you hafiz (:
tik tok tik tok, the movie started. i was really watching the movie. i mean, i have nothing else on my mind. i was really in the mood of transformers. shia lebeouf is super cute and megan fox is super hot! and bee, i love you. haha. after movie i called my mom to pick me cause i started to feel sick. i felt dizzy. while waiting for mama, hafiz came and we didn't talk much because i don't know what to talk to and i was feeling really really sick on that time. luckily mama came early, thanks ma, i love you (:
after taking a warm bath, i felt a bit better. after that, i called sya telling her what happened. she is still not okay, well sya, i hope you will be okay soon. really soon. and i hope for everyone too. i pray for the best for all of you (: after calling sya, i called adam. we talked crap a lot. well, that made me feel a bit better. thanks adam. then, i was super hungry and so i ate bread with nutella. yummy yummy. and around 12.30 i started to feel dizzy and i had a major headache last night. after a good 10 hours of sleep, i felt much better but sore throat killing me.
folks, i'm going back to perak later! i can't wait. i miss my grandparents so much though i just went back to perak last week. lol. i love love love love love love my family :D can't wait to eat lots lots lots lots lots lots lots of rambutan and manggis. yeay (: